Club Urban Diversion Member's Run
Tahoe Cabin Share
Dec 1 - April 30
May 1 - Nov 22
Join Annually : Get $200 off
In addition to the Club Urban Diversion, we have partnered to provide our members with an independent Tahoe Club that is a cabin lease share with 15 - 20 other people for an entire season or an entire year for cheap!. We have taken the concept of a Ski share and put it on steroids! Think of it as your home away from home where you can stay any time during the season to enjoy Skiing/Boarding, Beaching, Socialize, relax and refresh, work from from one of the desks in the house or take a meeting from a Zoom room, or just enjoy skiing/movies/dinners/games/hikes with your other cabin members.
Why join a cabin share? You get a second home in Tahoe with a great active community. Go up last minute, carpool to Tahoe and to the slopes (mandatory resort parking reservation are easier with a group) , always a place to do spontaneous outdoor group fun, socialize with your co-cabin members, have a work meeting, chill on a sofa, and just enjoy! Ski lease shares are a common thing in Tahoe, but with us helping drive we have built and amazing community and also both winter and summer, the members are all screened, and selected so you need to apply to join.
3 Tahoe Cabins
We have partnered with 3 amazing cabins in Tahoe, each run independently but working together! In the North Shore and also in the South Shore, these beautiful homes are in prime locations for enjoying sport and sun all year long. Nobody else offers this amazing setup!
Vista Villa
(Kings Beach)
Best for North Star/Alpine/Palisades (both Epic & ikon pass). Close to the beach on the north shore Tahoe, hot tub, and lots of space, just off the lake, and a 7 min drive to Northstar.
Winter: 5 months
Summer: Not Available
Blackout dates: Dec 20-Jan 5
*can use truckee during this time
Heavenly Chalet
Best for Heavenly (Epic pass). On the Slopes of Heavenly in south Tahoe with amazing lake views, indoor hot tub, sauna, great hiking, close to downtown and walk to the lifts!
Winter: 5 months
Summer: Not Available
Blackout dates: Dec 20-Jan 5
*can use truckee during this time
What is a Cabin Ski Lease Share
The association has three amazing Tahoe cabins in Tahoe! #1 Vista Villa on the North Shore (best for North Star skiing), #2 Heavenly Chalet in the South Shore (on the slopes of Heavenly) and #3 Located in the Donner area of Truckee (best for Squaw/Alpine). As a lease member of this amazing exclusive community of members you get keys to one (but access to all of them) to go up whenever they want, and bring a guest! You have a guaranteed bed waiting for you always, access to everything from bikes, kayaks, saunas, hot tubs, and other great members organizing spontaneous activities on the mountain, on the lake or in the town... or just relaxing and chilling at the cabin.
Tired of working from home? The cabins have high speed internet and work spaces you can hide out in or zoom from in each cabin
The best part about Tahoe ski Cabins? The amazing community! There is nothing like a great community to make Tahoe trips fun and memorable. Each cabin usally has approximately 15-24 lease members, that are just like you, working, relaxing, bringing their friends up, inviting you to do group dinners, plan fun outings with them, or doing your own hike/bike/SUP/ski/board trips and more.
How It Works
You can get any-time access to a North Tahoe cabin, a South Tahoe cabin, and a Truckee cabin, but you choose one of the cabin leases to be your "home" cabin. Each cabin has a combination of private suites, lofts, and rooms with bunk beds, internet, work stations, zoom rooms, TV, electricity, gas, snow removal, sunny decks, hot tub maintenance, and more! All cabin members are screened and approved by other cabin members.
More importantly, it is worry free, and you can bring a friend! Oh yes, did we mention there are hot tubs, bikes, paddle boards, skis, kayaks, and !? Your cabins are keyless entry, come anytime and organized through a cool online calendar software.
Pricing bellow is per SEASON, not per month. yes that cheap, but you must be approved.

How To Join
These shared ski leases fill up fast for the Summer and Winter seasons. Though spots open up even during the season as people must give up their spots and can get their payment refunded if they find a new member.. so don't assume it is impossible to get it and apply for your spot today!
**You do NOT have to be a Club Urban Diversion member to join the cabins**